Apr 22, 2013

Re: [Curating Moving Images] Which side are you on?


Everyone got the side of the debate requested. If you did not request, find your name below and prepare to argue on behalf of your side.  Note we have 20 enrolled students and 2 auditors, so I've assigned one auditor to each side (even though auditors have the right to just listen if they choose).  

If you want to post the text of your 1-minute prepared statement on the course blog, please do so.  (E-mail it to  streible1.miap@blogger.com ). 

More access  (the "Linda Williams side")
1.  Madeline Ostdick  
2.  Julia Kim
3.  Jessica Pitcher
4.  Chris Banuelos
5.  Austin Kim
6.  Kristin MacDonough
7.  Chris Banuelos
8.  Tayla Sanchez Tzirulnik
9.  Kathryn Gronsbell
10.  Erica Titkemeyer
11.               Ariane Lebot

Controlled access (the Kinsey Institute side )
1.  Xin Zhou
2.  Jared Eisenstat
3.  Dan Erdman
4.  Rebecca Fraimow
5.  Federica Liberi
6.  Pawarisa Nipawattanapong
7.  Shira Peltzman
8.  Matt Prigge
9.  Juana Suárez
10.  Sylvie Vitaglione
11.               Maria Vinogradova


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